Easter can be a lot of things. Egg Hunts, lunch with family, or just another Sunday. But Easter is really about Jesus and what He did for you and me.
You’re invited to Christ Chapel East this Easter, Sunday, March 31 at 10:30am to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
Children’s services for kids ages 6 weeks to Fifth Grade are available.
Churches can make it difficult to attend. There’s an unspoken dress code. There’s a proper way to sit or stand. You have to say the right things at the right time.
But not at Christ Chapel East. We’re a group of believer who love Jesus and take Him at His word when He says come as you are.
So no matter where you come from, what you’ve done, or don’t even have “church clothes,” you’re invited to see what Jesus is doing here.
Service Times and Location
Christ Chapel East
2675 Gray Hwy, Macon, GA 31211
Sunday Morning 10:30am
Wednesday Night 6:30pm
Nursery and Children’s Church available at all services for children ages 6 weeks to Fifth Grade.
Youth service for students in grades six through twelve on Wednesday Night only.
Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. He lived a perfect life and gave his life for all of us.
Now we can be free from sin, addiction, depression, and anxiety.
We find freedom, hope, love, and joy in him.
Join us Easter morning at 10:30am to find out more.
Meet our Pastor
Pastor Scott Davidson is a life-long Macon-ite. When he accepted Jesus, God radically delivered him from a life of addiction and bad choices.
After serving at several churches throughout the area, Pastor Scott felt the call to plant a church for regular people on Gray Highway. After a year and half, Christ Chapel East has seen many come to Christ, been baptized, and dedicate their lives to Jesus.
Each week he, with his wife Robyn and son Luke bring the powerful, practical teachings of Jesus that we can all apply to our lives.